generic throw giving Expected an object to be thrown lint error generic throw giving Expected an object to be thrown lint error javascript javascript

generic throw giving Expected an object to be thrown lint error

 throw Object.assign(   new Error(myMessage),   { code: 402 });

Throw a regular error and extend it with custom fields.

You could also write a reusable error class for that:

  class CodeError extends Error {   constructor(message, code) {    super(message);    this.code = code;   } } throw new CodeError(myMessage, 404);

That way, you can distinguish the errors easily on catching:

  } catch(error) {    if(error instanceof CodeError) {      console.log(error.code);    } else {      //...    } }

Another simple workaround is store on variable and throw.

const errorMessage =  { code : 403, message : myMessage };throw errorMessage;