Get computed font size for DOM element in JS Get computed font size for DOM element in JS javascript javascript

Get computed font size for DOM element in JS

You could try to use the non-standard IE element.currentStyle property, otherwise you can look for the DOM Level 2 standard getComputedStyle method if available :

function getStyle(el,styleProp) {  var camelize = function (str) {    return str.replace(/\-(\w)/g, function(str, letter){      return letter.toUpperCase();    });  };  if (el.currentStyle) {    return el.currentStyle[camelize(styleProp)];  } else if (document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle) {    return document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(el,null)                               .getPropertyValue(styleProp);  } else {    return[camelize(styleProp)];   }}


var element = document.getElementById('elementId');getStyle(element, 'font-size');

More info:

Edit: Thanks to @Crescent Fresh, @kangax and @Pekka for the comments.


  • Added camelize function, since properties containing hypens, like font-size, must be accessed as camelCase (eg.: fontSize) on the currentStyle IE object.
  • Checking the existence of document.defaultView before accessing getComputedStyle.
  • Added last case, when el.currentStyle and getComputedStyle are not available, get the inline CSS property via

Looks like jQuery (1.9 at least) uses getComputedStyle() or currentStyle itself when you use $('#element')[.css][1]('fontSize'), so you really shouldn't have to bother with more complicated solutions if you're OK using jQuery.

Tested in IE 7-10, FF and Chrome

To overcome the 'em' problem I have quickly written a function, if the font-size in ie is 'em' the function calculates with the body font-size.

        function getFontSize(element){        var size = computedStyle(element, 'font-size');        if(size.indexOf('em') > -1){            var defFont = computedStyle(document.body, 'font-size');            if(defFont.indexOf('pt') > -1){                defFont = Math.round(parseInt(defFont)*96/72);            }else{                defFont = parseInt(defFont);            }            size = Math.round(defFont * parseFloat(size));        }         else if(size.indexOf('pt') > -1){            size = Math.round(parseInt(size)*96/72)        }        return parseInt(size);    }    function computedStyle(element, property){        var s = false;        if(element.currentStyle){            var p = property.split('-');            var str = new String('');            for(i in p){                str += (i > 0)?(p[i].substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + p[i].substr(1)):p[i];            }            s = element.currentStyle[str];        }else if(window.getComputedStyle){            s = window.getComputedStyle(element, null).getPropertyValue(property);        }        return s;    }