Get the string representation of a DOM node Get the string representation of a DOM node javascript javascript

Get the string representation of a DOM node

You can create a temporary parent node, and get the innerHTML content of it:

var el = document.createElement("p");el.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Test"));var tmp = document.createElement("div");tmp.appendChild(el);console.log(tmp.innerHTML); // <p>Test</p>

EDIT: Please see answer below about outerHTML. el.outerHTML should be all that is needed.

What you're looking for is 'outerHTML', but wee need a fallback coz it's not compatible with old browsers.

var getString = (function() {  var DIV = document.createElement("div");  if ('outerHTML' in DIV)    return function(node) {      return node.outerHTML;    };  return function(node) {    var div = DIV.cloneNode();    div.appendChild(node.cloneNode(true));    return div.innerHTML;  };})();// getString(el) == "<p>Test</p>"

You'll find my jQuery plugin here: Get selected element's outer HTML

I dont think you need any complicated script for this. Just use
