Getting the user's region with navigator.language Getting the user's region with navigator.language javascript javascript

Getting the user's region with navigator.language

Your solution is based on the false premise that the browser's language tag reliably matches the user's country. E.g., I have set my browser language to German, even though I am living nowhere near Germany at the moment, but rather in the United States.

Also, for example in Chrome, many language packs do not require you to specify the region modifier. Setting Chrome's display language to German

enter image description here

provides the following language tag:

> navigator.language< "de"

No region tag at all, and a fairly common language.

Bottom line is, my browser setup results in language tag de, even though I live in the United States.

A more accurate and possibly reliable way to determine the user's location would be to derive it from the IP address associated with the request. There are numerous services that offer this service. is one of them:

$.get("", function(response) {  console.log(;     // "United States"  console.log(response.countryCode); // "US"}, "jsonp");
<script src=""></script>