Google API error, but still works Google API error, but still works javascript javascript

Google API error, but still works

This is a CORS issue Cross Origin Resource Sharing. You will need to add CORS on your server so that it sets correct headers. What is CORS and how to solve

Read up on: Wrong Origin using HTTPRequests

This is a bug

There seems to be a few workarounds there for people using it as part of an Apps Script Add-on, making reference to this stack question:

Google Picker API Invalid origin value error

Though this doesn't work for the official quickstart using JavaScript.

I have tested this with Chrome and Firefox and both give the same results.

If this is affecting you please be sure to go and star the issue linked above.

While using Google APIs I find it easier setting up a virtual host and adding it to the OS hosts file. If you know how to set up self-signed certificates it can also be helpful.

Personally set up all my projects using Vagrant and Homestead with the SSL flag on. That way I can use the URL https://project.local/ and the browser doesn't complain as much about the X-Frame-Options

To enable SSL put ssl: true under the authorize: ~/.ssh/ in the Homestead.yaml file that gets generated. By default the certificate won't be trusted so you will have to tell your OS that you want to trust it. I am afraid I don't remember how exactly I did that the last time.