Google Sign-in not working in incognito mode Google Sign-in not working in incognito mode javascript javascript

Google Sign-in not working in incognito mode

Angular is just javascript in a browser. So a user loading an angular app is being served a bunch of javascript from your server. If that server handles authentication with google-api, then your user only interacts with your server (albeit with a redirect to sign into google).

This authentication flow doesn't require 3rd party cookies.

However! If your authentication is handled directly in the user's browser, then your app will not work if 3rd party cookies are disabled (as they are in incognito mode).

For example, I have an angular app that I serve via Github pages. Github serves the app but then doesn't do anything else. Since I need to create a document in the user's GDrive, I authenticate and access their resources all from within a javascript client. For that to work securely, users of my ap must allow 3rd party cookies. There isn't really a way around that.

If I had a backend for my app, then the user could give my server permission to access their google drive and no 3rd party cookies would be required. At that point, it's not the frontend javascript client (angular app) that is accessing the user's GDrive, but instead my server.

Using a backend allows for a different and generally more secure authentication flow. To a user, however, the user experience is the same. This is why in some situations the user must allow 3rd party cookies and in others, they do not.

In general, you can secure a server much better than you can trust a user's system/browser to be secure. If security is a concern, you really should be making API calls from a server rather than from within a browser. Doing so should also fix your problem.

You're probably using 'ux_mode': 'redirect' which involves iframes and cookies.

Try using popup mode.

PS. You mention "Other sites perfectly working" - they are probably using oAuth2 authentication flow server-side, which is based on redirects.

PPS. More info see "Known issues"

If anyone is struggling with google login (specifically getting access token) in incognito mode, reference following example implementation in Next.js

export default function useGoogleLogin() {  useEffect(() => {    const matches = window.location.hash.match(/access_token=([^&]*)/);    if (!matches) {      return;    }    console.log('Access token', matches[1])  }, []);  const handleLogin = () => window.location.replace(getAuthUri());  return { handleLogin };}

And here's a implementation of getAuthUri

export default function getAuthUri() {  let base = window.location.href,    state = "";  let i = base.indexOf("#");  if (i > -1) {    state = base.substring(i);    base = base.substring(0, i);  }  return (    "" +    "?client_id=" +    encodeURIComponent(process.env.GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID) +    "&redirect_uri=" +    encodeURIComponent(base) +    "&state=" +    encodeURIComponent(btoa(state)) +    "&response_type=" +    encodeURIComponent("token") +    "&scope=" +    encodeURIComponent("profile") +    "&include_granted_scopes=" +    encodeURIComponent("true")  );}