Greasemonkey/ Tampermonkey @match for a page with parameters Greasemonkey/ Tampermonkey @match for a page with parameters javascript javascript

Greasemonkey/ Tampermonkey @match for a page with parameters

@match only works on the protocol/scheme, host, and pathname of a URL.

To trigger off the query parameters, you can either use @include or use @match and also test the URL yourself.
Note that the @match approach performs faster.

With @include, you can use a regex syntax. See, also Include and exclude rules.

In this case, use either:

...// @include  /^https?://example\.com/page\.php*key1=value1*/// ==/UserScript==

...// @match *://*// ==/UserScript==if (/\bkey1=value1\b/.test ( ) {    // DO YOUR STUFF HERE.}

According to the documentation for @match, it doesn't appear that query string parameters are something the Greasemonkey engine will match on: