handlebars - is it possible to access parent context in a partial? handlebars - is it possible to access parent context in a partial? javascript javascript

handlebars - is it possible to access parent context in a partial?

Just in case anyone stumbles across this question. This functionality exists now in Handlebars.

Do this:

{{#each items}}     {{! Will pass the current item in items to your partial }}    {{> item-template this}} {{/each}}

Working fiddle (inspired by handlebars pull request #385 by AndrewHenderson) http://jsfiddle.net/QV9em/4/

Handlebars.registerHelper('include', function(options) {    var context = {},        mergeContext = function(obj) {            for(var k in obj)context[k]=obj[k];        };    mergeContext(this);    mergeContext(options.hash);    return options.fn(context);});

Here's how you'd setup the parent template:

{{#each items}}     {{#include parent=..}}        {{> item-template}}    {{/include}}{{/each}}

And the partial:

value is {{parent}}

As of 2.0.0 partials now supports passing in values.

{{#each items}}    {{> item-template some_parent_var=../some_parent_var}}{{/each}}

Took me awhile to find this, hope it's useful for someone else too!