How can I get the values of data attributes in JavaScript code? How can I get the values of data attributes in JavaScript code? javascript javascript

How can I get the values of data attributes in JavaScript code?

You need to access the dataset property:

document.getElementById("the-span").addEventListener("click", function() {  var json = JSON.stringify({    id: parseInt(this.dataset.typeid),    subject: this.dataset.type,    points: parseInt(this.dataset.points),    user: "Luïs"  });});


// json would equal:{ "id": 123, "subject": "topic", "points": -1, "user": "Luïs" }

Because the dataset property wasn't supported by Internet Explorer until version 11, you may want to use getAttribute() instead:

document.getElementById("the-span").addEventListener("click", function(){  console.log(this.getAttribute('data-type'));});

Dataset documentation

getAttribute documentation

You can access it as


etc. So in this case: this.dataset.points