How can i monitor requests on WKWebview? How can i monitor requests on WKWebview? javascript javascript

How can i monitor requests on WKWebview?

Finally I solved it

Since I don't have control over the web view content, I injected to the WKWebview a java script that include a jQuery AJAX request listener.

When the listener catches a request it sends the native app the request body in the method:


The native app catches the message in a delegate called:

(void)userContentController:(WKUserContentController *)userContentController didReceiveScriptMessage:(WKScriptMessage *)message

and perform the corresponding actions

here is the relevant code:

ajaxHandler.js -

//Every time an Ajax call is being invoked the listener will recognize it and  will call the native app with the request details$( document ).ajaxSend(function( event, request, settings )  {    callNativeApp (;});function callNativeApp (data) {    try {        webkit.messageHandlers.callbackHandler.postMessage(data);    }    catch(err) {        console.log('The native context does not exist yet');    }}

My ViewController delegate are:

@interface BrowserViewController : UIViewController <UIWebViewDelegate, WKUIDelegate, WKNavigationDelegate, WKScriptMessageHandler, UIWebViewDelegate>

And in my viewDidLoad(), I'm creating a WKWebView:

WKWebViewConfiguration *configuration = [[WKWebViewConfiguration alloc]init];[self addUserScriptToUserContentController:configuration.userContentController];appWebView = [[WKWebView alloc]initWithFrame:self.view.frame configuration:configuration];appWebView.UIDelegate = self;appWebView.navigationDelegate = self;[appWebView loadRequest:[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString: @"http://#############"]]];                                                     

Here is the addUserScriptToUserContentController:

- (void) addUserScriptToUserContentController:(WKUserContentController *) userContentController{    NSString *jsHandler = [NSString stringWithContentsOfURL:[[NSBundle mainBundle]URLForResource:@"ajaxHandler" withExtension:@"js"] encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:NULL];    WKUserScript *ajaxHandler = [[WKUserScript alloc]initWithSource:jsHandler injectionTime:WKUserScriptInjectionTimeAtDocumentEnd forMainFrameOnly:NO];    [userContentController addScriptMessageHandler:self name:@"callbackHandler"];    [userContentController addUserScript:ajaxHandler];}

@Benzi Heler answer is great, but it uses jQuery which seems like is not working in WKWebView anymore, so I have found solution without using jQuery.

Here is ViewController implementation that lets you be notified every AJAX request is completed in WKWebView:

import UIKitimport WebKitclass WebViewController: UIViewController {    private var wkWebView: WKWebView!    private let handler = "handler"    override func viewDidLoad() {        super.viewDidLoad()        let config = WKWebViewConfiguration()        let userScript = WKUserScript(source: getScript(), injectionTime: .atDocumentStart, forMainFrameOnly: false)        config.userContentController.addUserScript(userScript)        config.userContentController.add(self, name: handler)        wkWebView = WKWebView(frame:  view.bounds, configuration: config)        view.addSubview(wkWebView)        if let url = URL(string: "YOUR AJAX WEBSITE") {            wkWebView.load(URLRequest(url: url))        } else {            print("Wrong URL!")        }    }    private func getScript() -> String {        if let filepath = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "script", ofType: "js") {            do {                return try String(contentsOfFile: filepath)            } catch {                print(error)            }        } else {            print("script.js not found!")        }        return ""    }}extension WebViewController: WKScriptMessageHandler {    func userContentController(_ userContentController: WKUserContentController, didReceive message: WKScriptMessage) {        if let dict = message.body as? Dictionary<String, AnyObject>, let status = dict["status"] as? Int, let responseUrl = dict["responseURL"] as? String {            print(status)            print(responseUrl)        }    }}

Pretty standard implementation. There is a WKWebView created programmatically. There is injected script that is loaded from script.js file.

And the most important part is script.js file:

var open =; = function() {    this.addEventListener("load", function() {        var message = {"status" : this.status, "responseURL" : this.responseURL}        webkit.messageHandlers.handler.postMessage(message);    });    open.apply(this, arguments);};

userContentController delegate method will be called every time there is AJAX request loaded. I'm passing there status and responseURL, because this was what I needed in my case, but you can also get more informations about request. Here is the list of all properties and methods available:

My solution is inspired by this answer written by @John Culviner:

If you have control of the content inside the WkWebView you can send messages to your native app using window.webkit.messageHandlers whenever you make an ajax request, which will be received as a WKScriptMessage that can be processed by whatever you've designated as your WKScriptMessageHandler. The messages can contain whatever information you wish, and will be automatically converted into native objects/values in your Objective-C or Swift code.

If you don't have control over the content you can still do this by injecting your own JavaScript via a WKUserScript to track ajax requests and send back messages using the method stated above.