How can I proxy to a ssl endpoint with the webpack-dev-server proxy How can I proxy to a ssl endpoint with the webpack-dev-server proxy javascript javascript

How can I proxy to a ssl endpoint with the webpack-dev-server proxy

        target: '',

It is very unlikely that port 80 is used for HTTPS. Usually port 443 is used

SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unknown protocol:openssl\ssl\s23_clnt.c:794:)

It is very likely that the server at port 80 did not reply with HTTPS but with some HTTP error because the message from the client was the start of a TLS handshake and not the expected HTTP request. But the client expected the reply to the TLS handshake and not a HTTP error. That's why you get this error.

Without the proxy : fetch('' ... the SSL request works fine.

That's because you use in this case and not Because you don't give an explicit port it will use the default port for https, i.e. 443.

While I am using the correct config with changeOrigin: true etc., but still meet 301 and option request, and can't reach the real backend server. Till I try to clean the browser cache, it works correctly.