How can I see the event that is attached to an html element? How can I see the event that is attached to an html element? javascript javascript

How can I see the event that is attached to an html element?

In Google chrome's developer tools (click the wrench icon >Tools>Developer tools), select the element in the Elements tab, on the right open the 'Event Listeners' panel you'll will see all events

If you use Firefox and Firebug you can try installing FireQuery. It will make it so you can see the handlers bound by jQuery.

You can't do it in a really good manner by "just" using ECMAscript itself. For instance, if there was a click event handler added by DOM Level 1 in the form of

document.getElementById('buy').onclick = function() {};

you can of course easily intercept that property on the node itself. Things are getting more complicated if DOM Level 2 comes into play with .addEventListener() respectevily .attachEvent(). Now you don't really have a "place" to look for where all the different listener functions where bound from.

It gets better by using jQuery. jQuery will hold all it's event handler functions in a special object which is linked to the DOM node of invocation. You can check for that by getting the .data()-expando property for a node like


However, now I already described three different ways of binding event listeners to a node (actually its two because a library like jQuery also uses DOM Level 1 or 2 methods of course).

It's really getting ugly if an event is triggerd by delegation. That means, we bound our click event on some parent-node just waiting for that event bubbling up to us so we can check the target. So now we don't even have a direct relationship between the node and the event listener.

Conclusion here is, lookout of a browser plugin or probably a thing like VisualEvent.