How do I clear all Firebug JS breakpoints? How do I clear all Firebug JS breakpoints? javascript javascript

How do I clear all Firebug JS breakpoints?

Open the web site where you want to clear the breakpoints, Open Firebug or press F12.from the right panel, you should see Watch, Stack and Breakpoints,Click on breakpoints dropdown and click on enter image description here

  1. Under the Firefox profile folder, find the firebug folder.

  2. Make sure that Firefox is closed.

  3. Edit or delete breakpoints.json as desired.

If you can't find the Library/Mozilla folder on Mac. Its because its hidden. To unhide Open terminal and run this

defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES

You should be able to find it folder now

To unhide run this

defaults write AppleShowAllFiles FALSE

I recon an easy way: In firebug toolbar click the bug icon and follow reset all firebug options:

enter image description here