How do I convert file size to mb only in JavaScript? How do I convert file size to mb only in JavaScript? javascript javascript

How do I convert file size to mb only in JavaScript?

var sizeInMB = (sizeInBytes / (1024*1024)).toFixed(2);alert(sizeInMB + 'MB');

Javscript ES5 or earlier:

function bytesToMegaBytes(bytes) {   return bytes / (1024*1024); }

Javscript ES6 (arrow functions):

const bytesToMegaBytes = bytes => bytes / (1024*1024);

If you want to round to exactly digits after the decimal place, then:

function (bytes, roundTo) {  var converted = bytes / (1024*1024);  return roundTo ? converted.toFixed(roundTo) : converted;}

In E6 or beyond:

const bytesToMegaBytes = (bytes, digits) => roundTo ? (bytes / (1024*1024)).toFixed(digits) : (bytes / (1024*1024));
  1. Details on Number.prototype.toFixed().
  2. Below you can view file size conversion table, for future help.Conversion table