How is a functional programming-based JavaScript app laid out? How is a functional programming-based JavaScript app laid out? javascript javascript

How is a functional programming-based JavaScript app laid out?

You should read this question:

Javascript as a functional language

There are lots of useful links, including:

Now, for my opinion. A lot of people misunderstand JavaScript, possibly because its syntax looks like most other programming languages (where Lisp/Haskell/OCaml look completely different). JavaScript is not object-oriented, it is actually a prototype-based language. It doesn't have classes or classical inheritance so shouldn't really be compared to Java or C++.

JavaScript can be better compared to a Lisp; it has closures and first-class functions. Using them you can create other functional programming techniques, such as partial application (currying).

Let's take an example (using sys.puts from node.js):

var external;function foo() {    external = Math.random() * 1000;}foo();sys.puts(external);

To get rid of global side effects, we can wrap it in a closure:

(function() {    var external;    function foo() {        external = Math.random() * 1000;    }    foo();    sys.puts(external);})();

Notice that we can't actually do anything with external or foo outside of the scope. They're completely wrapped up in their own closure, untouchable.

Now, to get rid of the external side-effect:

(function() {    function foo() {        return Math.random() * 1000;    }    sys.puts(foo());})();

In the end, the example is not purely-functional because it can't be. Using a random number reads from the global state (to get a seed) and printing to the console is a side-effect.

I also want to point out that mixing functional programming with objects is perfectly fine. Take this for example:

var Square = function(x, y, w, h) {   this.x = x;   this.y = y;   this.w = w;   this.h = h;};function getArea(square) {    return square.w * square.h;}function sum(values) {    var total = 0;    values.forEach(function(value) {        total += value;    });    return total;}sys.puts(sum([new Square(0, 0, 10, 10), new Square(5, 2, 30, 50), new Square(100, 40, 20, 19)].map(function(square) {    return getArea(square);})));

As you can see, using objects in a functional language can be just fine. Some Lisps even have things called property lists which can be thought of as objects.

The real trick to using objects in a functional style is to make sure that you don't rely on their side effects but instead treat them as immutable. An easy way is whenever you want to change a property, just create a new object with the new details and pass that one along, instead (this is the approach often used in Clojure and Haskell).

I strongly believe that functional aspects can be very useful in JavaScript but ultimately, you should use whatever makes the code more readable and what works for you.

You have to understand that functional programming and object oriented programming are somewhat antithetical to each other. It's not possible to both be purely functional and purely object oriented.

Functional programming is all about stateless computations. Object oriented programming is all about state transitions. (Paraphasing this. Hopefully not too badly)

JavaScript is more object oriented than it is functional. Which means that if you want to program in a purely functional style, you have to forego large parts of the language. Specifically all the object orient parts.

If you are willing to be more pragmatic about it, there are some inspirations from the purely functional world that you could use.

I try to adhere to the following rules:

Functions that perform computations should not alter state. And functions that alter state should not perform computations. Also, functions that alter state should alter as little state as possible. The goal is to have lots of little functions that only do one thing. Then, if you need to do anything big, you compose a bunch of little functions to do what you need.

There are a number of benefits to be gained from following these rules:

  1. Ease of reuse. The longer and more complex a function is, the more specialized it also is, and therefore the less likely it is that it can be reused. The reverse implication is that shorter functions tend to more generic and therefore easier to reuse.

  2. Reliability of code. It is easier to reason about correctness of the code if it is less complex.

  3. It is easier to test functions when they do only one thing. That way there are fewer special cases to test.


Incorporated suggestion from comment.

Update 2:

Added some useful links.

I think, should be nice fit for what you need - it provides the most important higher-order functions for functional programming and does not has client-side functions for DOM manipulation which you don't need for server side. Though I don't have experience with it.

As a side note: IMHO primary feature of functional programming is Referential transparency of a function - function result depends only on its parameters - function does not depend on changes on other objects and does not introduce any change except its result value. It makes it easy to reason about program's correctness and very valuable for implementing of predictable multi-threading (if relevant). Though JavaScript is not the bet language for FP - I expect immutable data structures to be very expensive performance-wise to use.