How to change the editor size of CKEditor? How to change the editor size of CKEditor? javascript javascript

How to change the editor size of CKEditor?

try following

To achieve this, use the resize function to define the dimensions of the editor interface, assigning the window a width and height value in pixels or CSS-accepted units.

// Set editor width to 100% and height to 350px.editor.resize( '100%', '350' )

While setting the height value, use the isContentHeight parameter to decide whether the value applies to the whole editor interface or just the editing area.

// The height value now applies to the editing area.editor.resize( '100%', '350', true )

For CKEditor 4.0, I had to use:

  CKEDITOR.replace('body', {height: 500});

Just go to ckeditor folder and find config.js

    CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function( config ) {    // Define changes to default configuration here. For example:    // config.language = 'fr';    // config.uiColor = '#AADC6E';     config.height = '80vh';};

This will resize your ckeditor based on screen size.