How to convert 1 to true or 0 to false upon model fetch How to convert 1 to true or 0 to false upon model fetch javascript javascript

How to convert 1 to true or 0 to false upon model fetch

All you need is convert string to int with + and convert the result to boolean with !!:

var response = {"isChecked":"1"};response.isChecked = !!+response.isChecked

You can do this manipulation in the parse method:

parse: function (response) {  response.isChecked = !!+response.isChecked;  return response;}

UPDATE: 7 years later, I find Number(string) conversion more elegant. Also mutating an object is not the best idea. That being said:

parse: function (response) {  return Object.assign({}, response, {    isChecked: !!Number(response.isChecked), // OR    isChecked: Boolean(Number(response.isChecked))  });}

Use a double not:

!!1 = true;!!0 = false;obj.isChecked = !!parseInt(obj.isChecked);

Here's another option that's longer but may be more readable:

Boolean(Number("0")); // falseBoolean(Number("1")); // true