How to count the number of rows in a jqGrid? How to count the number of rows in a jqGrid? javascript javascript

How to count the number of rows in a jqGrid?

jQuery("#myGrid").jqGrid('getGridParam', 'records');


Note there are two parameters to determine record count:



Readonly property. Gives the number of records returned as a result of a query to the server.



Readonly property. Determines the exact number of rows in the grid. Do not confuse this with records parameter. Although in many cases they may be equal, there are cases where they are not. For example, if you define rowNum to be 15, but the request to the server returns 20 records, the records parameter will be 20, but the reccount parameter will be 15 (the grid you will have 15 records and not 20).


Readonly property. Returns integer. Determines the exact number of rows in the grid. (And not the number of records fetched).

More information here.

Here is the code I have so far. It seems like there should be a better way:
