How to disable beforeunload action when user is submitting a form? How to disable beforeunload action when user is submitting a form? javascript javascript

How to disable beforeunload action when user is submitting a form?

Call unbind using the beforeunload event handler:

$('form#someForm').submit(function() {   $(window).unbind('beforeunload');});

To prevent the form from being submitted, add the following line:

   return false;


$('form').submit(function () {    window.onbeforeunload = null;});

Make sure you have this before you main submit function! (if any)

This is what we use:

On the document ready we call the beforeunload function.

$(document).ready(function(){    $(window).bind("beforeunload", function(){ return(false); });});

Before any submit or location.reload we unbind the variable.

$(window).unbind('beforeunload');formXXX.submit();$(window).unbind("beforeunload"); location.reload(true);