How to disable scrolling temporarily? How to disable scrolling temporarily? javascript javascript

How to disable scrolling temporarily?

The scroll event cannot be canceled. But you can do it by canceling these interaction events:
Mouse & Touch scroll and Buttons associated with scrolling.

[Working demo]

// left: 37, up: 38, right: 39, down: 40,// spacebar: 32, pageup: 33, pagedown: 34, end: 35, home: 36var keys = {37: 1, 38: 1, 39: 1, 40: 1};function preventDefault(e) {  e.preventDefault();}function preventDefaultForScrollKeys(e) {  if (keys[e.keyCode]) {    preventDefault(e);    return false;  }}// modern Chrome requires { passive: false } when adding eventvar supportsPassive = false;try {  window.addEventListener("test", null, Object.defineProperty({}, 'passive', {    get: function () { supportsPassive = true; }   }));} catch(e) {}var wheelOpt = supportsPassive ? { passive: false } : false;var wheelEvent = 'onwheel' in document.createElement('div') ? 'wheel' : 'mousewheel';// call this to Disablefunction disableScroll() {  window.addEventListener('DOMMouseScroll', preventDefault, false); // older FF  window.addEventListener(wheelEvent, preventDefault, wheelOpt); // modern desktop  window.addEventListener('touchmove', preventDefault, wheelOpt); // mobile  window.addEventListener('keydown', preventDefaultForScrollKeys, false);}// call this to Enablefunction enableScroll() {  window.removeEventListener('DOMMouseScroll', preventDefault, false);  window.removeEventListener(wheelEvent, preventDefault, wheelOpt);   window.removeEventListener('touchmove', preventDefault, wheelOpt);  window.removeEventListener('keydown', preventDefaultForScrollKeys, false);}

UPDATE: fixed Chrome desktop and modern mobile browsers with passive listeners

Do it simply by adding a class to the body:

.stop-scrolling {  height: 100%;  overflow: hidden;}

Add the class then remove when you want to re-enable scrolling, tested in IE, FF, Safari and Chrome.


For mobile devices, you'll need to handle the touchmove event:

$('body').bind('touchmove', function(e){e.preventDefault()})

And unbind to re-enable scrolling. Tested in iOS6 and Android 2.3.3


Here's a really basic way to do it:

window.onscroll = function () { window.scrollTo(0, 0); };

It's kind of jumpy in IE6.