How to find the size of the file in Node.js? How to find the size of the file in Node.js? javascript javascript

How to find the size of the file in Node.js?

To get a file's size in megabytes:

var fs = require("fs"); // Load the filesystem modulevar stats = fs.statSync("myfile.txt")var fileSizeInBytes = stats.size;// Convert the file size to megabytes (optional)var fileSizeInMegabytes = fileSizeInBytes / (1024*1024);

or in bytes:

function getFilesizeInBytes(filename) {    var stats = fs.statSync(filename);    var fileSizeInBytes = stats.size;    return fileSizeInBytes;}

If you use ES6 and deconstructing, finding the size of a file in bytes only takes 2 lines (one if the fs module is already declared!):

const fs = require('fs');const {size} = fs.statSync('path/to/file');

Note that this will fail if the size variable was already declared. This can be avoided by renaming the variable while deconstructing using a colon:

const fs = require('fs');const {size: file1Size} = fs.statSync('path/to/file1');const {size: file2Size} = fs.statSync('path/to/file2');

In addition, you can use the NPM filesize package:

This package makes things a little more configurable.

var fs = require("fs"); //Load the filesystem modulevar filesize = require("filesize"); var stats = fs.statSync("myfile.txt")var fileSizeInMb = filesize(stats.size, {round: 0});

For more examples: