How to fix JSON indentation in vim? How to fix JSON indentation in vim? javascript javascript

How to fix JSON indentation in vim?

Easier way is to just external command as a filter for a selection. e.g.

  1. Make a selection
  2. Type :!python -m json.tool

romainl recommendation is the preferred way, but sometimes you need to pretty indent JSON text inside some buffer that doesn't have the json filetype. I use this nice command:

command! -range -nargs=0 -bar JsonTool <line1>,<line2>!python -m json.tool

Just run :JsonTool and it will pretty print the current line. It can take a range as well:


If you do not have python or prefer a pure vim solution you may be interested in Tim Pope's jdaddy plugin. Jdaddy provides JSON text objects: aj and ij as well as print print JSON formatting, e.g. gqaj.

You can send to an external tool, as an example, if you have python you can send the content to python's json tool using:

:%!python -m json.tool