How to get number of video views with YouTube API? How to get number of video views with YouTube API? javascript javascript

How to get number of video views with YouTube API?

I think, the easiest way, is to get video info in JSON format. If you want to use JavaScript, try jQuery.getJSON()... But I prefer PHP:

<?php$video_ID = 'your-video-ID';$JSON = file_get_contents("{$video_ID}?v=2&alt=json");$JSON_Data = json_decode($JSON);$views = $JSON_Data->{'entry'}->{'yt$statistics'}->{'viewCount'};echo $views;?>

Ref: Youtube API - Retrieving information about a single video

You can use the new YouTube Data API v3

if you retrieve the video, the statistics part contains the viewCount:

from the doc:

statistics.viewCount / The number of times the video has been viewed.

You can retrieve this info in the client side, or in the server side using some of the client libraries:

And you can test the API call from the doc:



GET{YOUR_API_KEY}Authorization:  Bearer ya29.AHES6ZSCT9BmIXJmjHlRlKMmVCU22UQzBPRuxzD7Zg_09hsGX-JavaScript-User-Agent:  Google APIs Explorer


200 OK- Show headers -{ "kind": "youtube#videoListResponse", "etag": "\"g-RLCMLrfPIk8n3AxYYPPliWWoo/dZ8K81pnD1mOCFyHQkjZNynHpYo\"", "pageInfo": {  "totalResults": 1,  "resultsPerPage": 1 }, "items": [  {   "id": "Q5mHPo2yDG8",   "kind": "youtube#video",   "etag": "\"g-RLCMLrfPIk8n3AxYYPPliWWoo/4NA7C24hM5mprqQ3sBwI5Lo9vZE\"",   "statistics": {    "viewCount": "36575966",    "likeCount": "127569",    "dislikeCount": "5715",    "favoriteCount": "0",    "commentCount": "20317"   }  } ]}

Version 2 of the API has been deprecated since March 2014, which some of these other answers are using.

Here is a very simple code snippet to get the views count from a video, using JQuery in the YouTube API v3.

You will need to create an API key via Google Developer Console first.

<script>  $.getJSON('{{YOUR-KEY}}', function(data) {    alert("viewCount: " + data.items[0].statistics.viewCount);  });</script>