How to go from Blob to ArrayBuffer How to go from Blob to ArrayBuffer javascript javascript

How to go from Blob to ArrayBuffer

You can use FileReader to read the Blob as an ArrayBuffer.

Here's a short example:

var arrayBuffer;var fileReader = new FileReader();fileReader.onload = function(event) {    arrayBuffer =;};fileReader.readAsArrayBuffer(blob);

Here's a longer example:

// ArrayBuffer -> Blobvar uint8Array  = new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3]);var arrayBuffer = uint8Array.buffer;var blob        = new Blob([arrayBuffer]);// Blob -> ArrayBuffervar uint8ArrayNew  = null;var arrayBufferNew = null;var fileReader     = new FileReader();fileReader.onload  = function(event) {    arrayBufferNew =;    uint8ArrayNew  = new Uint8Array(arrayBufferNew);    // warn if read values are not the same as the original values    // arrayEqual from:    function arrayEqual(a, b) { return !(a<b || b<a); };    if (arrayBufferNew.byteLength !== arrayBuffer.byteLength) // should be 3        console.warn("ArrayBuffer byteLength does not match");    if (arrayEqual(uint8ArrayNew, uint8Array) !== true) // should be [1,2,3]        console.warn("Uint8Array does not match");};fileReader.readAsArrayBuffer(blob);fileReader.result; // also accessible this way once the blob has been read

This was tested out in the console of Chrome 27—69, Firefox 20—60, and Safari 6—11.

Here's also a live demonstration which you can play with:

Update 2018-06-23: Thanks to Klaus Klein for the tip about versus this.result


The Response API consumes a (immutable) Blob from which the data can be retrieved in several ways. The OP only asked for ArrayBuffer, and here's a demonstration of it.

var blob = GetABlobSomehow();// NOTE: you will need to wrap this up in a async block first./* Use the await keyword to wait for the Promise to resolve */await new Response(blob).arrayBuffer();   //=> <ArrayBuffer>

alternatively you could use this:

new Response(blob).arrayBuffer().then(/* <function> */);

Note: This API isn't compatible with older (ancient) browsers so take a look to the Browser Compatibility Table to be on the safe side ;)

Or you can use the fetch API

fetch(URL.createObjectURL(myBlob)).then(res => res.arrayBuffer())

I don't know what the performance difference is, and this will show up on your network tab in DevTools as well.