How to interpolate variables in strings in JavaScript, without concatenation? How to interpolate variables in strings in JavaScript, without concatenation? javascript javascript

How to interpolate variables in strings in JavaScript, without concatenation?

You can take advantage of Template Literals and use this syntax:

`String text ${expression}`

Template literals are enclosed by the back-tick (` `) (grave accent) instead of double or single quotes.

This feature has been introduced in ES2015 (ES6).


var a = 5;var b = 10;console.log(`Fifteen is ${a + b}.`);// "Fifteen is 15.

How neat is that?


It also allows for multi-line strings in javascript without escaping, which is great for templates:

return `    <div class="${foo}">         ...    </div>`;

Browser support:

As this syntax is not supported by older browsers (mostly Internet Explorer), you may want to use Babel/Webpack to transpile your code into ES5 to ensure it will run everywhere.

Side note:

Starting from IE8+ you can use basic string formatting inside console.log:

console.log('%s is %d.', 'Fifteen', 15);// Fifteen is 15.

Prior to Firefox 34 / Chrome 41 / Safari 9 / Microsoft Edge, nope, that was not possible in javascript. You would have to resort to:

var hello = "foo";var my_string = "I pity the " + hello;

Prior to Firefox 34 / Chrome 41 / Safari 9 / Microsoft Edge, no. Although you could try sprintf for JavaScript to get halfway there:

var hello = "foo";var my_string = sprintf("I pity the %s", hello);