How to make an AJAX call without jQuery? How to make an AJAX call without jQuery? javascript javascript

How to make an AJAX call without jQuery?

With "vanilla" JavaScript:

<script type="text/javascript">function loadXMLDoc() {    var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();    xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {        if (xmlhttp.readyState == XMLHttpRequest.DONE) {   // XMLHttpRequest.DONE == 4           if (xmlhttp.status == 200) {               document.getElementById("myDiv").innerHTML = xmlhttp.responseText;           }           else if (xmlhttp.status == 400) {              alert('There was an error 400');           }           else {               alert('something else other than 200 was returned');           }        }    };"GET", "ajax_info.txt", true);    xmlhttp.send();}</script>

With jQuery:

$.ajax({    url: "test.html",    context: document.body,    success: function(){      $(this).addClass("done");    }});

Using the following snippet you can do similar things pretty easily, like this:

ajax.get('/test.php', {foo: 'bar'}, function() {});

Here is the snippet:

var ajax = {};ajax.x = function () {    if (typeof XMLHttpRequest !== 'undefined') {        return new XMLHttpRequest();    }    var versions = [        "MSXML2.XmlHttp.6.0",        "MSXML2.XmlHttp.5.0",        "MSXML2.XmlHttp.4.0",        "MSXML2.XmlHttp.3.0",        "MSXML2.XmlHttp.2.0",        "Microsoft.XmlHttp"    ];    var xhr;    for (var i = 0; i < versions.length; i++) {        try {            xhr = new ActiveXObject(versions[i]);            break;        } catch (e) {        }    }    return xhr;};ajax.send = function (url, callback, method, data, async) {    if (async === undefined) {        async = true;    }    var x = ajax.x();, url, async);    x.onreadystatechange = function () {        if (x.readyState == 4) {            callback(x.responseText)        }    };    if (method == 'POST') {        x.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');    }    x.send(data)};ajax.get = function (url, data, callback, async) {    var query = [];    for (var key in data) {        query.push(encodeURIComponent(key) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(data[key]));    }    ajax.send(url + (query.length ? '?' + query.join('&') : ''), callback, 'GET', null, async)}; = function (url, data, callback, async) {    var query = [];    for (var key in data) {        query.push(encodeURIComponent(key) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(data[key]));    }    ajax.send(url, callback, 'POST', query.join('&'), async)};

I know this is a fairly old question, but there is now a nicer API available natively in newer browsers. The fetch() method allow you to make web requests.For example, to request some json from /get-data:

var opts = {  method: 'GET',        headers: {}};fetch('/get-data', opts).then(function (response) {  return response.json();}).then(function (body) {  //doSomething with body;});

See here for more details.