how to make vim ctags works for modern javascript how to make vim ctags works for modern javascript javascript javascript

how to make vim ctags works for modern javascript

Like the others had said: DoctorJS (formerly jsctags) is the best option.

However, integrating it with Vim by writing custom wrappers or using Vim-taglist-plus plugin, which isn't currently working, aren't good solutions.

The easiest way I've found is to install the TagBar Vim plugin (NOTE: It's TagBar, not the old infamous TagList!).

See my other answer for more info.


There's a new project called tern.js which should replace the dead doctor.js. See the link above for more info.

As @Benoit answered, you can always setup a new languages for ctags; however in the case of JavaScript, you may want to try DoctorJS (formerly jsctags). From the author it is a limited JS environment that records all the functions and objects your script made and turns them into vim-compatible tags file. Here is the original post and its website:

To use it with ctags I have to rename the ctags file to smt like ex-ctags and write a wrapper script named ctags which will switch the tool depending on --language.

You can setup new languages for ctags. See this and that