How to Pass geojson array to datatable dyanamically using javascript How to Pass geojson array to datatable dyanamically using javascript javascript javascript

How to Pass geojson array to datatable dyanamically using javascript

The problem is actually the datafile, which is valid JSON but not the structure that datatable requires.

Solution 1 : Change the file to expected structure.

{  "data": [    {      "type": "FeatureCollection",      "features": [        {          "type": "Feature",          "properties": {},          "geometry": {            "type": "LineString",            "coordinates": [              [                40.078125,                57.136239319177434              ],              [                91.7578125,                58.99531118795094              ]            ]          }        }      ]    }  ]}

Solution 2 : Use the dataSrc through which you can modify the ajax response before datatable uses it.

$('#example').dataTable({    "ajax":    {        "url": "json1.json",        "dataSrc": function (json) {            var obj = [];   = [];  [0] = json;            return;        },    },    "processing": "true",    "columns": [        { "data": "type" },        { "data": "features.0.type" },        { "data": "" },        { "data": "features.0.geometry.type" },        { "data": "features.0.geometry.coordinates.0" },        { "data": "features.0.geometry.coordinates.1" }    ]});

Here what I've done is created a new object obj.Working fiddle here :

The problem might be that the GeoJSON is not an array but an object.

Try changing your column definitions with these:

"columns": [     { "data": "type" },     { "data": "features.0.type" },     { "data": "" },     { "data": "features.0.geometry.type" },     { "data": "features.0.geometry.coordinates.0" },     { "data": "features.0.geometry.coordinates.1" }]