how to prevent iOS safari alert when trying to open non-installed native app? how to prevent iOS safari alert when trying to open non-installed native app? javascript javascript

how to prevent iOS safari alert when trying to open non-installed native app?

Here is a solution that works for me:

var timeout;function preventPopup() {    clearTimeout(timeout);    timeout = null;    window.removeEventListener('pagehide', preventPopup);}function openApp() {        $('<iframe />')    .attr('src', appurl)    .attr('style', 'display:none;')    .appendTo('body');    timeout = setTimeout(function() {            document.location = appstore;    }, 500);    window.addEventListener('pagehide', preventPopup);} 

use iframe.

$('<iframe />').attr('src', "appname://").attr('style', 'display:none;').appendTo('body');

For solving this and avoid no wanted iOS safari alert I've used a different approach handle also an iframe but without jquery and listener events. It works perfectly.

    var iframe = document.createElement("iframe"); = "none"; = "1px"; = "1px";    iframe.onload = function () {        document.location = alt;    };    iframe.src = nativeSchemaUrl; //iOS app schema url    window.onload = function(){        document.body.appendChild(iframe);    }    setTimeout(function(){        window.location = fallbackUrl; //fallback url    },300);