How to properly export an ES6 class in Node 4? How to properly export an ES6 class in Node 4? javascript javascript

How to properly export an ES6 class in Node 4?

// person.js'use strict';module.exports = class Person {   constructor(firstName, lastName) {       this.firstName = firstName;       this.lastName = lastName;   }   display() {       console.log(this.firstName + " " + this.lastName);   }}


// index.js'use strict';var Person = require('./person.js');var someone = new Person("First name", "Last name");someone.display();

If you are using ES6 in Node 4, you cannot use ES6 module syntax without a transpiler, but CommonJS modules (Node's standard modules) work the same.


should be


hence the error message "Cannot set property 'AspectType' of undefined" because module.export === undefined.

Also, for

var AspectType = class AspectType {    // ...    };

can you just write

class AspectType {    // ...    }

and get essentially the same behavior.

With ECMAScript 2015 you can export and import multiple classes like this

class Person{    constructor()    {        this.type = "Person";    }}class Animal{    constructor()    {        this.type = "Animal";    }}module.exports = {    Person,    Animal};

then where you use them:

const { Animal, Person } = require("classes");const animal = new Animal();const person = new Person();

In case of name collisions, or you prefer other names you can rename them like this:

const { Animal : OtherAnimal, Person : OtherPerson} = require("./classes");const animal = new OtherAnimal();const person = new OtherPerson();