How to remove data-* attributes using HTML5 dataset How to remove data-* attributes using HTML5 dataset javascript javascript

How to remove data-* attributes using HTML5 dataset

Wouldn't 'delete' remove dataset element? E.g.:

<div id="a1" data-foo="bar">test</div><script>var v = document.getElementById('a1');  alert(;delete;alert(;</script>

A rather simpler and straightforward approach:

const someElement = document.querySelector('...');Object.keys(someElement.dataset).forEach(dataKey => {  delete someElement.dataset[dataKey];});

This is to remove all the data-* attributes. You can add a condition in the for loop to remove only particular data-attribute. Hope this helps :)

var elem = document.querySelector('#example');var dataset = elem.dataset;for (var key in dataset) {    elem.removeAttribute("data-" + key.split(/(?=[A-Z])/).join("-").toLowerCase());}