how to render child components in react.js recursively how to render child components in react.js recursively javascript javascript

how to render child components in react.js recursively

Here's an alternative in ES6:

import React, { Component, PropTypes } from 'react'export default class Comments extends Component {  render() {    const { children } = this.props    return (      <div className="comments">        { =>          <div key={} className="comment">            <span>{comment.content}</span>            {comment.children && <Comments children={comment.children}/>}          </div>        )}      </div>    )  }}Comments.propTypes = {  children: PropTypes.array.isRequired}

And is some other component:

<Comments children={post.comments}/>

If I create the child nodes as an object at the top of the render method, it works fine.

export default class extends React.Component {  let replies = null  if(this.props.replies){    replies = => {      return (        <Comment author={} body={reply.body} />      )    })  }  render() {    return (      <div className="comment">        <div className="replies">{ replies }</div>      </div>    )  }}

The easiest way is to create a function in the class which returns an instance of your class:


var RecursiveComponent = React.createClass({ render: function() {  // JSX  .... }, renderRecursive: function(param1)   return React.createElement(RecursiveComponent, {param1: param1});});

if you use react-templates library:


<div>  ...  <div rt-repeat="recursiveChild in this.props.recursiveItem.recursiveChilds">            {this.renderRecursive(recursiveChild)}  </div></div>