How to return the current timestamp with Moment.js? How to return the current timestamp with Moment.js? javascript javascript

How to return the current timestamp with Moment.js?

Here you are assigning an instance of momentjs to CurrentDate:

var CurrentDate = moment();

Here just a string, the result from default formatting of a momentjs instance:

var CurrentDate = moment().format();

And here the number of seconds since january of... well, unix timestamp:

var CurrentDate = moment().unix();

And here another string as ISO 8601 (What's the difference between ISO 8601 and RFC 3339 Date Formats?):

var CurrentDate = moment().toISOString();

And this can be done too:

var a = moment();var b = moment(a.toISOString());console.log(a.isSame(b)); // true

moment().unix() you will get a unix timestamp

moment().valueOf() you will get a full timestamp

Still, no answer.Moment.js - Can do anything but such a simple task.

I'm using this:
