How to select all even id's from a Table? How to select all even id's from a Table? javascript javascript

How to select all even id's from a Table?

To select even or odd IDs from a MySQL table, you would use the modulo operator (like in PHP):

SELECT * FROM table WHERE (id % 2) = 0; # evenSELECT * FROM table WHERE (id % 2) > 0; # odd

In order to select even or odd IDs from a MySQL table, you would use the 'MOD', this easy way to select the Odd and Even numbers.

Select Odd number

select column_name from table_name where mod(column_name,2)=1;

Select Even number

select column_name from table_name where mod(column_name,2)=0;

if you need an Odd number, put 1.

if you need an Even number, put 0.

SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE (id%2)=0;

this query returns the result for which ID is even number.