How to set up JavaScript namespace and classes properly? How to set up JavaScript namespace and classes properly? javascript javascript

How to set up JavaScript namespace and classes properly?

Do neither of those things.

Make a javascript "class":

var MyClass = function () {    var privateVar; //private    var privateFn = function(){}; //private     this.someProperty = 5;  //public    this.anotherProperty = false;  //public    this.someFunction = function () {  //public        //do something    };};MyNamespace.MyClass = new MyClass();

One with static vars:

var MyClass = (function(){    var static_var; //static private var    var MyClass = function () {        var privateVar; //private        var privateFn = function(){}; //private         this.someProperty = 5;  //public        this.anotherProperty = false;  //public        this.someFunction = function () {  //public            //do something        };    };    return MyClass;})();MyNamespace.MyClass = new MyClass();

With a "constructor" (all of the examples have a "constructor", this one just has parameters to work with):

var MyClass = function (a, b c) {    //DO SOMETHING WITH a, b, c <--    var privateVar; //private    var privateFn = function(){}; //private     this.someProperty = 5;  //public    this.anotherProperty = false;  //public    this.someFunction = function () {  //public        //do something    };};MyNamespace.MyClass = new MyClass(1, 3, 4);

With all of the above you can do:


But you cannot do (from the outside):

MyNamespace.MyClass.privateFn(); //ERROR!

The first example is simply an Object literal - it cannot be instantiated and doesn't have private members. The second example has some incorrect syntax (var someProperty: 5 should be var someProperty = 5) but is using a closure to encapsulate internal private state within a self-invoking anonymous function.

The second approach looks better for encapsulating private members, but could be made more "Object-oriented" by making it an instantiable class:

MyNamespace.MyClass = function() { ... };MyNamespace.MyClass.prototype.someProperty = 'foo';

Then you can instantiate it with the 'new' keyword:

var aClass = new MyNamespace.MyClass();aClass.init(...);

I use the following syntax for the instantiable classes with namespace

 var MYNamespace = MYNamespace|| {}; MYNamespace.MyFirstClass = function (val) {        this.value = val;        this.getValue = function(){                          return this.value;                       };    }var myFirstInstance = new MYNamespace.MyFirstClass(46);alert(myFirstInstance.getValue());
