How to trigger an on scroll event without scrolling How to trigger an on scroll event without scrolling javascript javascript

How to trigger an on scroll event without scrolling

Alternatively, you can manually trigger a real scroll event as following:

el.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('scroll'))

Which feels a bit less of a hack (and more performant) than dual scrolling by +1 and -1 pixels...

This should run any piece of code listening for a scroll event.

Edit: To support IE11 or other legacy browser, consider using a CustomEvent polyfill such as mdn-polyfills

This doesn't work on Chrome or Firefox

window.scrollTo(window.scrollX, window.scrollY);

This works on both:

window.scrollTo(window.scrollX, window.scrollY - 1);window.scrollTo(window.scrollX, window.scrollY + 1);

Not fancy, but works.

Note that only the first line of code is necessary, the other one is just to return the scroll back to where it was. I had to trigger a scroll function on a button. If you happen to tap the button twice, the effect of the scroll is visible and it's not very fancy. That's why I prefer adding the 2nd line of code as well.

You absolutely need a Javascript solution. What else is going to do the event listening/triggering, do you think?

If you want to fire a scroll event, just literally scroll to where you already are by typing window.scrollTo(window.scrollX, window.scrollY); in your scripts or dev tools console. Alternatively, you can fake one using a combination of CustomEvent and the dispatchEvent function.

If you want to trigger something on a scroll event, listen for scrolls using window.addEventListener("scroll", function(evt) { ... }); and make the handling function do whatever it is you need to do.