How to upload files using nodejs and HAPI? How to upload files using nodejs and HAPI? javascript javascript

How to upload files using nodejs and HAPI?

For new readers, hapi already using multiparty uses pez to handle multipart post requests. From hapi documentation;

If the payload is 'multipart/form-data' and parse is true, fields values are presented as text while files are provided as streams. File streams from a 'multipart/form-data' upload will also have a property hapi containing filename and headers properties.


server.route({   method: 'POST',   path: '/create',   config: {      payload:{            maxBytes: 209715200,            output:'stream',            parse: true      },       handler: function (request, reply) {          request.payload["htmlInputName"].pipe(fs.createWriteStream("test"));      }});

You can visit for working code in

/* * upload file */exports.uploadFile = {    payload: {        maxBytes: 209715200,        output: 'stream',        parse: false    },    handler: function(requset, reply) {        var form = new multiparty.Form();        form.parse(requset.payload, function(err, fields, files) {            if (err) return reply(err);            else upload(files, reply);        });    }};/* * upload file function */var upload = function(files, reply) {    fs.readFile(files.file[0].path, function(err, data) {        checkFileExist();        fs.writeFile(Config.MixInsideFolder + files.file[0].originalFilename, data, function(err) {            if (err) return reply(err);            else return reply('File uploaded to: ' + Config.MixInsideFolder + files.file[0].originalFilename);        });    });};

Finally I got the solution to upload the large files using HAPI and Thanks to Roman.

Here is the solution:

server.js code

server.route({    method: 'POST',    path: '/api/uploadfiles',    config: {          payload:{                maxBytes:209715200,                output:'stream',                parse: false          },           handler: currentposition.uploadFiles,    }});

Handler code:

var currentpositionApi = {    fs : require('fs'),    multiparty: require('multiparty'),    uploadFiles:function(req,reply){         var form = new currentpositionApi.multiparty.Form();            form.parse(req.payload, function(err, fields, files) {                currentpositionApi.fs.readFile(files.upload[0].path,function(err,data){                    var newpath = __dirname + "/"+files.upload[0].originalFilename;                    currentpositionApi.fs.writeFile(newpath,data,function(err){                        if(err) console.log(err);                        else console.log(files)                    })                })                console.log(files)            });    }}