how to use animation with ng-repeat in angularjs how to use animation with ng-repeat in angularjs javascript javascript

how to use animation with ng-repeat in angularjs

Following on from Marcel's comment: in AngularJS 1.2 you don't need to use the ng-animate directive. Instead:

  1. Includeangular-animate[-min].js.
  2. Make your module depend on ngAnimate.
  3. Define your transitions in CSS using classes like .ng-enter and .ng-enter-active.
  4. Use ng-repeat as you normally would.


<div ng-app="foo">    <!-- Set up controllers etc, and then: -->    <ul>        <li ng-repeat="item in items">{{item}}</li>    </ul>


angular.module('foo', ['ngAnimate']);// controllers not shown


li {    opacity: 1;} {    -webkit-transition: 1s;    transition: 1s;    opacity: 0;} {    opacity: 1;}

Demo in (someone else's) Plunker.

See the docs for $animate for details on the progression through the various CSS classes.

Check this link

  1. You need to declare the ng-animate attribute to an element that have another directive that changes the DOM

    div ng-repeat="item in itens" ng-animate="{enter: 'animate-enter', leave: 'animate-leave'}"
  2. You need to add css transitions or animation.

    .animate-enter {   -webkit-transition: 1s linear all; /* Chrome */   transition: 1s linear all;   opacity: 0;}.animate-enter.animate-enter-active {   opacity: 1;}

You can check plnkr example here:

Complementing the last answer, there is the ng-move class for animations when order is changed:

li {    opacity: 1;} {    -webkit-transition: 1s;    transition: 1s;    opacity: 0;} {    opacity: 1;}

Last documentation here.