How to use Elastic Search on top of a pre-existing SQL Database? How to use Elastic Search on top of a pre-existing SQL Database? javascript javascript

How to use Elastic Search on top of a pre-existing SQL Database?

I am using jdbc-river w/ mysql. It is very fast. You can configure them to continually poll data, or use one-time (one-shot strategy) imports.


curl -xPUT http://es-server:9200/_river/my_river/_meta -d '{    "type" : "jdbc",    "jdbc" : {        "strategy" : "simple",        "poll" : "5s",        "scale" : 0,        "autocommit" : false,        "fetchsize" : 10,        "max_rows" : 0,        "max_retries" : 3,        "max_retries_wait" : "10s",        "driver" : "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver",        "url" : "jdbc:mysql://mysql-server:3306/mydb",        "user" : "root",        "password" : "password*",        "sql" : "select, c.brandCode, c.companyCode from category c"    },    "index" : {        "index" : "mainIndex",        "type" : "category",        "bulk_size" : 30,        "max_bulk_requests" : 100,        "index_settings" : null,        "type_mapping" : null,        "versioning" : false,        "acknowledge" : false    }}'

If you need a more performant and scalable solution to the polling offered by jdbc-river, I recommend that you watch this presentation that explains how to perform incremental syncing from SQL Server into Elastic Search:

The principles discussed in the video also apply for other RDBMS -> NoSQL replication applications.