HTML5 FileReader how to return result? HTML5 FileReader how to return result? javascript javascript

HTML5 FileReader how to return result?

Reading happens asynchronously. You need to provide a custom onload callback that defines what should happen when the read completes:

$(document).ready(function(){    $('#file_input').on('change', function(e){        readFile(this.files[0], function(e) {            // use result in callback...            $('#output_field').text(;        });    });});function readFile(file, onLoadCallback){    var reader = new FileReader();    reader.onload = onLoadCallback;    reader.readAsText(file);}

(See the Fiddle.)

Note that readFile does not return a value.  Instead, it accepts a callback function, which will fire whenever the read is done. The $('#output_field').text operation is moved into the callback function. This ensures that that operation will not run until the reader's onload callback fires, when will be filled.

Programming with callbacks is a bit difficult to get right at first, but it is absolutely necessary for implementing advanced functionality.

Use a Promise to wrap FileReader and then use await to get the results:

Here's the javascript:

$(document).ready(function() {    $('#file_input').on('change', function(e) {        function updateProgress(evt) {            if (evt.lengthComputable) {                // evt.loaded and are ProgressEvent properties                var loaded = (evt.loaded /;                if (loaded < 1) {                    // Increase the prog bar length                    style.width = (loaded * 200) + "px";                }            }        }        function loaded(evt) {            // Obtain the read file data                var fileString =;            // Handle UTF-16 file dump            $('#output_field').text(fileString);        }        var res = readFile(this.files[0]);        var reader = new FileReader();        reader.readAsText(this.files[0], "UTF-8");        reader.onprogress = updateProgress;        reader.onload = loaded;    });});function readFile(file) {    var reader = new FileReader(),        result = 'empty';    reader.onload = function(e) {        result =;    };    reader.readAsText(file);    return result;}

And of course, the HTML portion:

<input type="file" id="file_input" class="foo" /><div id="progBar" style="background-color:black;width:1px;"> </div><div id="output_field" class="foo"></div>

Seems to work for *.txt files.

See this fiddle.