In Javascript is there equivalent to .apply that doesn't change the value of this? In Javascript is there equivalent to .apply that doesn't change the value of this? javascript javascript

In Javascript is there equivalent to .apply that doesn't change the value of this?

You cannot, because of the way this works in JavaScript. Read on:

Going by the "Entering An Execution Context" section of the ECMAScript spec: when you call a function, the value of this is determined by what's to it's left (called the activation object) . Let's create a function called steve, and put him in an object:

function steve(){}var obj = { method: steve };

…when we call steve as obj.method(), his this is obj, because obj was the activation object.

The tricky case is when nothing is to the left of a function call:

steve(); // Who am I ?!

There's nothing to the left of the function call — effectively, it's null — so the value of this is set to a default value of the global object (window in web browsers, global in Node.js, etc.).

So you are, in fact, setting a function's this every time you call it.

P.S. calling steve.apply(null, []) is equivalent to calling steve().

Note that in ES6 you can also write:


Here this becomes Window inside func, which is of no use. But if you write:


this in inside func will be obj.

This may be the feature i was looking for 5 years ago, but that was 5 years ago, so who remembers :)

The value of this is no mystery when calling a function, depending on how it is called "normally" (without call or apply):

func(); // `this` is the global object, or undefined in ES5 strict modeobj.func(); // `this` is `obj`

So to avoid "changing" the value of this, just pass in the correct value to apply, depending on how you would call it "normally":

func.apply(undefined, []); // global object, or undefined in ES5 strict modeobj.func.apply(obj, []);