Injecting variable values into javascript and HAML in RoR Injecting variable values into javascript and HAML in RoR javascript javascript

Injecting variable values into javascript and HAML in RoR

This should work ie. put all inline ruby inside of #{}:

requester_name:  "#{current_user.first_name + ' ' + current_user.last_name if current_user}",requester_email: "#{ if current_user}",

Direct #{} works for simple strings, but is not the most scalable / safe solution in general.

For example, the literal backslash in Ruby would cause you problems in Javascript where it will be interpreted as a newline character:

- a = "\\n":javascript  '#{ a }' !== "\\n"

From this awesome Rails cast, the following techniques can be used:


Alias: j.

Works only on strings.

Escapes characters that can have special meanings in Javascript strings,like backslash escapes, into a format suitable to put inside Javascript string literal quotes.

Maintain html_safe status of input,so needs html_safe otherwise special HTML chars like < would get escaped into <.

- a = "\\n<":javascript  '#{ j(a)           }' === '\\n<'  '#{ j(a).html_safe }' === '\\n<'

to_json + html_safe

Works because JSON is almost a subset of Javascript object literal notation.

Works on any hash object, including strings, arrays and integers which areconverted to JSON fragments of the corresponding data type.

- data = { key1: 'val1', key2: 'val2' }:javascript  data = #{ data.to_json }  data.key1 === 'val1'  data.key2 === 'val2'

data- attributes

Add values to attributes, retrieve them with Javascript DOM operations.

Better with the content_tag helper:

= content_tag 'div', '', id: 'data', data: {key1: 'val1', key2: 'val2'}:javascript  $('#data').data('key1') === 'val1'  $('#data').data('key2') === 'val2'


Library specialized for the job:

Probably the most robust solution.


gem 'gon'


gon.key1 = 'val1'gon.key2 = 'val2'

Layout app/views/layouts/application.html.erb:

<html><head>  <meta charset="utf-8"/>  <%= include_gon %>


:javascript  gon.key1 === 'val1'  gon.key2 === 'val2'