Inserting large quantities in IndexedDB's objectstore blocks UI Inserting large quantities in IndexedDB's objectstore blocks UI javascript javascript

Inserting large quantities in IndexedDB's objectstore blocks UI

You're on the right track, but you're asking the browser to store 35,000 objects before it's had a chance to finish storing one. Here's code which asynchronously waits for one request to finish before starting the next (but using the same transaction):

    openRequest ="MyDatabase", 1);    openRequest.onerror = function(event) {        console.error(event);    };    openRequest.onsuccess = function (event) {        var db = openRequest.result;        db.onerror = function(event) {            // Generic error handler for all errors targeted at this database's requests            console.error(;            window.alert("Database error: " + || || ||;        };        var transaction = db.transaction('item', "readwrite");        var itemStore = transaction.objectStore("item");        putNext();        function putNext() {            if (i<items.length) {                itemStore.put(items[i]).onsuccess = putNext;                ++i;            } else {   // complete                console.log('populate complete');                callback();            }        }               };      

Wild guess from my side, but if WebSQL is available from what is known as a "background page", and assuming the bandwidth of messaging between the front- and backpage does not lock up the UI in the same way, maybe a background page with intra page message could be utilized?

I am splitting the array in chunks of 500 and using setTimeout instead of for loop. Now the UI responds little better than before