Is there a functionality in JavaScript to convert values into specific locale formats? Is there a functionality in JavaScript to convert values into specific locale formats? javascript javascript

Is there a functionality in JavaScript to convert values into specific locale formats?

I found a way to do this at this page.

You can you toLocaleString without using toFixed before it. toFixed returns a string, toLocaleString should get a number. But you can pass an options object with toLocaleString, the option minimumFractionDigits could help you with the functionality toFixed has.

50.toLocaleString('de-DE', {    style: 'currency',     currency: 'EUR',     minimumFractionDigits: 2 });

Checkout all the other options you can pass with this function.

50.00 is a unit-less value. The best you can do is convert 50.00 to 50,00 and then append the yourself. Therefore, just use Number.toLocaleString().

var i = 50.00;alert(i.toLocaleString() + ' €'); // alerts '50.00 €' or '50,00 €'

Demo →

Lots of relevant questions:

There are locale related features described within the ECMAScript Internationalization API.

To get the float 50.0 converted to the string 50,00 € (using the 'de-DE' locale) you need to write this:

new Intl.NumberFormat("de-DE", {style: "currency", currency: "EUR"}).format(50.0)

This API is available in all current major browsers.

For more info about the number formatting features of the Internationalization API you should read the article at MDN.