Javascript and WebGL, external scripts Javascript and WebGL, external scripts javascript javascript

Javascript and WebGL, external scripts

For external files, you need to stop using the script tag. I suggest using something like XMLHttpRequest. I would also suggest renaming your files, they are shaders not Javascript so use a different extension to avoid confusion. I use something like "shiny_surface.shader".

This is what I do:

function loadFile(url, data, callback, errorCallback) {    // Set up an asynchronous request    var request = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url, true);    // Hook the event that gets called as the request progresses    request.onreadystatechange = function () {        // If the request is "DONE" (completed or failed)        if (request.readyState == 4) {            // If we got HTTP status 200 (OK)            if (request.status == 200) {                callback(request.responseText, data)            } else { // Failed                errorCallback(url);            }        }    };    request.send(null);    }function loadFiles(urls, callback, errorCallback) {    var numUrls = urls.length;    var numComplete = 0;    var result = [];    // Callback for a single file    function partialCallback(text, urlIndex) {        result[urlIndex] = text;        numComplete++;        // When all files have downloaded        if (numComplete == numUrls) {            callback(result);        }    }    for (var i = 0; i < numUrls; i++) {        loadFile(urls[i], i, partialCallback, errorCallback);    }}var gl;// ... set up WebGL ...loadFiles(['vertex.shader', 'fragment.shader'], function (shaderText) {    var vertexShader = gl.createShader(gl.VERTEX_SHADER);    gl.shaderSource(vertexShader, shaderText[0]);    // ... compile shader, etc ...    var fragmentShader = gl.createShader(gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER);    gl.shaderSource(fragmentShader, shaderText[1]);    // ... set up shader program and start render loop timer}, function (url) {    alert('Failed to download "' + url + '"');}); 

If you're using a library like JQuery, they probably have a function similar to my loadFiles one.

I had the same issue and found that this has worked for me with jQuery:

var fragmentShaderSRC = null,var vertexShaderSRC = null;...function executeProgram(){ //main program }...$.get("shader.fs", function(data){        fragmentShaderSRC = data.firstChild.textContent;       $.get("shader.vs", function(data){             vertexShaderSRC = data.firstChild.textContent;             executeProgram();       });});   

Where shader.fs and shader.vs are my shaders (and include the
<script type="x-shader/x-fragment"> and <script type="x-shader/x-vertex"> declaration lines)

UpdateWith Chrome the intelligent guess does not select 'xml'. The following code works in Chrome as well:

$.ajax({          url: 'shader.fs',           success: function(data){               fragmentShaderSRC = data.firstChild.textContent;              $.ajax({                  url: 'shader.vs',                   success: function(data){                      vertexShaderSRC = data.firstChild.textContent;                      executeProgram();                   },                   dataType: 'xml'              })           },           dataType: 'xml'        });               

Update 2:As < and & in the shader source need to be escaped to load in as XML, this works all of the time even if you use the less than comparision or the and logic operators:

var vs_source = null,    fs_source = null;$.ajax({    async: false,    url: './my_shader.vs',    success: function (data) {        vs_source = $(data).html();    },    dataType: 'html'});$.ajax({    async: false,    url: './my_shader.fs',    success: function (data) {        fs_source = $(data).html();    },    dataType: 'html'});

You could use an open source shader managing library like mine:

It lets you load shaders from urls and caches shader source code for future visits to the site.It also makes it simpler to use uniforms.