Javascript Confirm popup Yes, No button instead of OK and Cancel Javascript Confirm popup Yes, No button instead of OK and Cancel javascript javascript

Javascript Confirm popup Yes, No button instead of OK and Cancel

Unfortunately, there is no cross-browser support for opening a confirmation dialog that is not the default OK/Cancel pair. The solution you provided uses VBScript, which is only available in IE.

I would suggest using a Javascript library that can build a DOM-based dialog instead. Try Jquery UI:

The only way you can accomplish this in a cross-browser way is to use a framework like jQuery UI and create a custom Dialog:

jquery Dialog

It doesn't work in exactly the same way as the built-in confirm popup but you should be able to make it do what you want.

You can also use . It's very simple and easy to use. Just include jquery common library and one more file only:

<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script><script src=""></script><link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" /><script src="jquery.easy-confirm-dialog.js"></script>