JavaScript Failed to execute 'drawImage' JavaScript Failed to execute 'drawImage' javascript javascript

JavaScript Failed to execute 'drawImage'

The problem was the way that I was loading my Images, I should've been doing:

var image = new Image();image.src = "imagesource.jpg";

But instead I was get the elements by id from the document page.


Explanation on loading images

Explanation on how html loads images

you should wait all elements load,so do like this:

window.onload=function(){       board.drawImage(document.getElementById("player_explode"), this.x, this.y);}

For people in 2021 learning React, you have to call the context.drawImage() in the img.onload or nothing will be shown on the canvas! Here is a real world working example:

useEffect(() => {    canvasRef.current.width = mapXYWH.w * UNIT    canvasRef.current.height = mapXYWH.h * UNIT    const context = canvasRef.current.getContext("2d") => {        const img = new Image(o.width*UNIT,o.height*UNIT)        img.src = o.normal        img.onload = () =>            context.drawImage(img, (o.x-mapXYWH.x)*UNIT, (o.y-mapXYWH.y)*UNIT)    })}, [map, mapXYWH])

See also: React -- Canvas Won't Draw Image