Javascript shift() unshift() mnemonics? [closed] Javascript shift() unshift() mnemonics? [closed] javascript javascript

Javascript shift() unshift() mnemonics? [closed]

As I known.

The shift command is come from the binary bit shift [1]. for Example.

    0011000 < 011000 // when you shift left|Yay!

I think it is quite simple it is just like you push it from behind. So this makes sense for me.

The unshift is the opposite way of shift.

    0011001 > 001100 // they called it unshift    1001100    |    Yay!

So that's it, Hope this helps!


a.push(e) pushes e onto the end of a.

e = a.pop() pops the last element from a, to e.

a.unshift(e) enqueues e to the start of a.

e = a.shift() gets the first element from a to e.

Use push and pop for stacks.

Use unshift and pop for queues. (Or push and shift)

I remember the difference between shift (destructive) and unshift (constructive) simply by remembering that I use un-shift for en-queueing, and shift is the opposite to unshift.

Just think of your keyboard:

Shift gets a capital version of the first key you press.

.shift() gets the first item off the array.