Javascript syntax highlighting in vim Javascript syntax highlighting in vim javascript javascript

Javascript syntax highlighting in vim

You might like to try this improved Javascript syntax highlighter rather than the one that ships with VIMRUNTIME.

Well, I've modified Yi Zhao's Javascript Syntax, and added Ajax Keywords support, also highlight DOM Methods and others.

Here it is, it is far from being perfect as I'm still new to Vim, but so far it has work for me. My Javascript Syntax. If you can fix, add features, please do.

UPDATE: I forgot these syntax highlights are only shown if you included them in your own colorscheme, as I did in my Nazca colorscheme. I'll test if I could add these line into my modified syntax file.

Follow the new version of the javascript syntax file in github, for it is no longer required to modify your current colorscheme.

Syntax coloring synchronization probably needs adjustment. I've found in certain contexts that I need to change it.

Syntax synchronization (":help syn-sync") controls how vim keeps track of and refreshes its parse of the code for coloring, so that it can start drawing anywhere in the file.

The defaults don't always work for me, so sometimes I find myself issuing

:syn sync fromstart

I suggest reading through the documentation under

:help syn-sync

or just check

:help syntax

and find the section on synchronization.

to make an informed decision among the four available basic options.I maintain mappings to function keys to switch between "fromstart" and "ccomment" modes and for just clearing the sync settings.