jQuery attr('onclick') jQuery attr('onclick') javascript javascript

jQuery attr('onclick')

Do it the jQuery way (and fix the errors):

$('#stop').click(function() {     $('#next').click(stopMoving);     // ^-- missing #});  // <-- missing );

If the element already has a click handler attached via the onclick attribute, you have to remove it:

$('#next').attr('onclick', '');

Update: As @Drackir pointed out, you might also have to call $('#next').unbind('click'); in order to remove other click handlers attached via jQuery.

But this is guessing here. As always: More information => better answers.

As @Richard pointed out above, the onClick needs to have a capital 'C'.

$('#stop').click(function() {     $('next').attr('onClick','stopMoving()');}

The easyest way is to change .attr() function to a javascript function .setAttribute()

$('#stop').click(function() {    $('next')[0].setAttribute('onclick','stopMoving()');}